Sunderland Freemasons – King Edward Lodge #464

This men’s “fraternity” is a group of residents who are over 21 years of age and believe in “a supreme being.” The group holds regular meetings and provides help in the Sunderland community when requested. The Sunderland Masons have been involved in the Maple Syrup Festival for 24 years. In fact, the late Brother Cliff Foulds was one of the founding members. Every year, the Masons cook sausage and pancakes during the Festival. Each breakfast consists of two large pancakes, three sausages, maple syrup from Harlane Farms, and a beverage. There are child-size portions available as well, and diners can opt for extra syrup and drinks at an additional charge.

Over the years, Lodge members have been involved in the MasoniChip Program – CHIP ( child help identify program – hosted in the basement of the Lodge during the Festival for a couple of years), which works for seniors as well; the Sunderland Music Festival (donate toward a trophy); Durham Police – donated to a Digital speed limit board (information)coming to town a few years ago; a bursary to a graduating student at Brock High School (who contributed the most to the community); donated toward the Skateboard Park at the Sunderland Arena; assisted with the Lindsay Armoury Bouncy Castle Event; sponsored Local (Sunderland) kids hockey team for a few years; school Healthy Snack Program (donated money for some years); and delivered Meals on Wheels for some time. This vibrant organization continues to enhance the quality of life for all Sunderland residents.

For more information, contact Josh Storry at

King Edward Lodge No. 464
5 Albert St
Sunderland, ON