Saturday 10 am to 3 pm
20 Church Street South
Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival
April 5-6, 2025
What do you know about Sunderland’s past?
Take the Quiz: The Sunderland & District Historical Society is running a contest providing you with an opportunity to show your knowledge of the village’s history. Anytime between March 1st and May 22nd, try our “Village History Quiz”. Prizes of $50, $30 & $20 will be awarded to the three entrants registering the highest scores. To access and complete the quiz go to https://forms.gle/1mzdxeDZE8oo5qs49
The contest is open to everyone – children through seniors. Just one entry per person! Ties will be resolved by lottery.
Winners will be announced on Canada Day.
Our Society offers several resources to help you to learn more about the history of our village.
A visit to our website at www.sunmus.ca offers archives of articles and resources about our history. You might take our virtual tour (go to: https://youtu.be/VGdxOCo3nzA) of the village that offers considerable information about Sunderland’s businesses and homes. For those who prefer physical activity, you can follow our guided walking tour. QR codes have been posted at several locations around the village’s downtown. Geographic coordinates that will help you locate these QR postings are provided in the chart below. Using your phone (data plan required), you can read the codes to access brief histories of each location.
1 | Museum | 44.26338, -79.06848 | N 44°15.803 W 79°4.109 |
2 | St. Andrews | 44.26304, -79.06831 | N 44°15.782 W 79°4.099 |
3 | Town Hall | 44.26243, -79.06831 | N 44°15.746 W 79°4.109 |
4 | Old Fire Hall | 44.26286, -79.06805 | N 44°15.772W 79°4.083 |
5 | Dr. Olivers | 44.26239, -79.06862 | N 44°15.743 W 79°4.117 |
6 | St Marys | 44.26238, -79.06877 | N 44°15.743 W 79°4.126 |
7 | Blacksmith Shop | 44.26226, -79.06885 | N 44°15.736 W 79°4.131 |
8 | Nippissing Hotel | 44.26237, -79.06826 | N 44°15.742 W 79°4.096 |
9 | Oldfield Store | 44.26246, -79.06778 | N 44°15.748 W 79°4.067 |
10 | Anderson Drugs | 44.26248, -79.06760 | N 44°15.749 W 79°4.056 |
11 | Pharmacy | 44.26252, -79.06750 | N 44°15.751 W 79°4.050 |
12 | Freshmart | 44.26257, -79.06720 | N 44°15.754 W 79°4.032 |
13 | Legion | 44.26270, -79.06754 | N 44°15.762W 79°4.016 |
14 | MagicDoor | 44.26273, -79.06730 | N 44°15.764W 79°4.038 |
15 | Home Hardware | 44.26279, -79.06694 | N 44°15.767 W 79°4.016 |
16 | Brock House | 44.26238, -79.066475 | N 44°15.743 W 79°4.126 |
17 | CIBC | 44.262960, -79.066160 | N 44°15.778 W 79°3.970 |
18 | McDermott Block | 44.262760, -79.066170 | N 44°15.766 W 79°3.970 |
19 | Masonic Hall | 44.262419, -79.066150 | N 44°15.745 W 79°3.969 |
20 | Taylor Store | 44.262680, -79.066420 | N 44°15.761W 79°3.985 |
21 | Home Bank | 44.262761, -79.066690 | N 44°15.766 W 79°4.001 |
22 | Beall Block | 44.262620, -79.066850 | N 44°15.757W 79°4.011 |
If you are still having trouble getting an answer, you might resort to Jack Gordon’s book, The Green Pastures of Brock.
Welcome to the new age in Petting Zoos, where the world’s animals come together in an interactive and educational environment. The young and the young at heart will enjoy petting, feeding & learning about the animals that most have only read about or seen on TV.
Watch the children’s faces light up as they ride a live pony for the first time. Don’t forget your camera as you will want to keep this proud moment for all to see.
The Tiger Paw Exotics petting zoo and pony rides are located beside the arena. While the petting zoo is free, pony rides are $5 per ride.
Centre of town at High Noon Brock Rugby has decided this year to have bath tub races so Clean up your Act and join in the fun. Make that bath tub real pretty, dress up with a wild imagination and win BEST DRESSED
David Croxall davidcroxall@yahoo.ca
Saturday 10:30
by Roadside Country Diner
$5 entry fee. 20 contestants maximum.
The winner receives a ribbon and a year’s worth of bragging rights.
Entry Fee: $5:00 per person
All Contestants Enter at their OWN RISK
Registration for this event no later than Saturday at 10:00 in front of the Roadside Country Diner to receive final instructions.
We look forward to seeing you and GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
Pancake Eating Contest 2022 Poster
2019 Photos – Pizza and Pancake Eating Contests
Our Pancake Eating Contest winners, George (Kids Division) and Cole (Adults Division)! All of our participants did great!
2017 Photos
2025 marks the 28th year that Harlaine Maple Products has welcomed visitors to its sugar shack as part of the Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival. Hundreds of people have visited their farm on Concession 1 south of Sunderland to see how an old-fashioned product is made using the latest in modern technology.
Douglas and Gloria Harder purchased the farm in 1954 from Vince Beaton (sons Jack and Jim) who had previously boiled sap at this maple bush, since 1933. Douglas started boiling at his parents maple bush when he was in his early teens, and continued on after purchasing the property. At age 87, Douglas passed away in 2004.
Paul and his Dad tapped around 500 to 600 taps in the 1970’s, all with buckets. In 1984, they put in the first pipeline with approximately 150 taps. The next year, the whole bush was on pipeline. They always had a used evaporator, approximately, 4×8, and boiled in the bush with no hydro until 1991, when a new building was built near the house. Now there is water and hydro for late night boiling. The building includes an evaporation room, a store, a kitchen and a small bottling room. Once this building was erected, we were able to expand and now have approximately 2,500 taps.
In 2011, we finally purchased a new Lapierre Force 5 evaporator. It’s all stainless steel and very efficient. We still fire it with wood, and it can process approximately 250 gallons of sap an hour. On a good year, with many cold nights and warm sunny days, we can make approximately 1700 liters of maple syrup. We also make maple butter and maple sugar candy, for sale along with the popular maple syrup. During the festival years, we have seen over 4,000 people come out to the bush to watch the syrup being made. We have had people involved for the last 18 years of the festival, hosting bush tours, demonstrating maple syrup production, boiling sap in a large kettle as the pioneers did, and showing how the native people boiled sap using a hollowed out log and hot stones from the fire.
Harlaine Maple Products store is open during the festival, plus we have a booth on the main street of Sunderland. In 2012, we hosted the first tapping for the Kawartha Haliburton Maple Syrup Association. We are also members of the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association.
Harlaine Maple Products have toured the world and we are proud to be able to produce pure maple syrup: A Canadian tradition. As for recipes, we always enjoy fresh maple syrup on Old Fashioned Johnny Cake, maple syrup pie, maple butter tarts and maple apple crisp. Maple Syrup is also excellent on fruit and with carrots, squash and turnip.
REMINDER: Get your bus tickets for a tour of Harlaine Maple Products at Sunderland Public School during the Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival!
Maple syrup season is in full swing here at Harlaine Farms. Here is the process of how we make maple candy. Starting with bowling down the syrup, then running it through a machine to create the candy texture. The moulds are filled, cooled and then ready for snacking. All of this is done hands on at our family farm in Sunderland.
video credit Katie Harder
Sunderland Branch Public Library
41 Albert Street (Sunderland Public School)
Sunderland, ON
Through his Friendly Fables Rap-A-Long books, songs & videos ‘Lexy the Rap Dad’ is igniting children’s imaginations and exploring the world around us with fun-filled adventures
Lexy the Rap Dad is a children’s author and rapping dad from Ontario, Canada. The creator of Friendly Fables, a collection of 14 stories and Rap-A-Long songs, is making a name for himself by combining rapping with storytime and it’s fun for the whole family!
It all began when Lexy left the corporate world unexpectedly to care for his infant son who required surgery at The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto. He created the book series to entertain his own family and found his calling in rapping the stories for others.
Fast forward to today and Lexy is generating buzz among kids and parents for his wildly popular book, songs and YouTube channel. So much so that his 1st and 2nd albums have each reached #1 on the iTunes Children’s Music charts in Canada!
Garbage Truck Rap – Kids Song About Saving The Environment
DAD DANCE Rap Song For Kids
Time 45 minutes to 1 hour
Harlaine Farms 2025
Welcome to Salem Alpacas 2025
Salem Alpacas is a Premier Ontario breeder of high quality alpacas. Beginning with only three breeding females in 2000, we are now home to over 30 huacaya alpacas, having at times, over 70 alpacas on the farm.
Saturday & Sunday – Harlaine Farms and Salem Alpacas
2025 marks the 28th year that the Sunderland Maple Syrup festival has offered bus tours at an economical price.
This year, tour buses will be visiting Harlaine Maple products and Salem Alpaca Farm bus tours. Stock Transportation provides the buses and the drivers, and the staff from the CIBC bank in Sunderland take on the responsibility of ticket sales.
CIBC Manager Jodi Buck says, “We love our community and we want to be part of our community.” “We are thrilled that the proceeds all go to the community. We all benefit greatly from the Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival and the wonderful work it does.”
“Everyone likes jumping on the bus and going on the tour together,” said Sharon Graham, Charter Coordinator at Stock. “It gives people from out of town a chance to see our community and what it has to offer.” Visitors from as far away as Windsor have joined the thousands of people who take the Stock bus to Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival trip destinations.
Maureen Nicholls, Operations Manager at Stock, pointed out how much the festival has grown over the years. Usually two buses run, but sometimes it is necessary to add more. Local drivers Harry Sarvis, Angela Hubers and Al Simpson have been providing transportation for the Festival every year since it started. Stock has even had a bus driver from Pickering volunteer to participate. “He wanted to be part of it,” said Maureen.
“We have our business in the community and we want to show our support for the festival,” she added. Driver Angela Hubers always looks forward to the Festival. Taking people on the tours “is fun,” she commented.